Friday, April 30, 2010

Some 'Avatar' Fans Struggle With Blu-Ray

This is a prime example of why tech literacy is so important. My brother just called the other day about this exact same problem. I walked him through it but a lot of families do not have a tech specialist one phone call away (not to mention, for free!). I'm not saying this stuff is easy, but I am saying that tech will affect your life one way or another. That way, ultimately, will be determined by you!

Posted via web from jeffthomas posterous

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Top 10 YouTube Videos About Steve Wozniak

The great Steve Wozniak takes center stage on ReadWriteWeb's Top 10 YouTube video series!

Posted via web from jeffthomas posterous

Dropbox - Save to the Cloud

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

New Jersey Principal Asks Parents To Ban Facebook, Social Networking, Text Messaging -

New Jersey Principal Asks Parents To Ban Facebook, Social Networking, Text Messaging -

What I Hope You Learned (Technology 4 Teachers)

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Simple Language Gets Shared More on Facebook #edtech

This answers the question a few of us were discussing the other day on why our Facebook posts go unread, receive no comments and are not shared. Moral of the story-post like a 10 year old!

Posted via web from jeffthomas posterous

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Texas gov. shoots, kills 'wily' coyote during jog

I sure am glad our governor feels the need to carry a gun with hollow-point bullets while he traverses the neighborhood with his dog. I'm just wondering whether he tried anything else before he decided to use the gun. I am very sick of this "cowboy" mentality here in the state of Texas. And yes, I have been confronted by coyotes (many of them, in fact) and have not felt the need to gun them down. Sure, there might me an instance where it is necessary, but this case surely isn't one of them! Hopefully, you too will become political mulch this November!

Posted via web from jeffthomas posterous

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Top 10 YouTube Cover Songs

It seems like Top 10 YouTube lists are in vogue right now as this is yet another one. I'm not sure I agree that these are the 10 best. What do you think?

Posted via web from jeffthomas posterous

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Get ready for some big Facebook changes #edchat

It looks like privacy is going to be a big issue. However, most people I know do not separate their friends into groups, check their privacy settings, etc.

Posted via web from jeffthomas posterous

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Problem Steps Recorder-Windows 7 More than meets the eye! @edtech

I became aware of this tool a few months back and as the author says it may be useful for much more than it was intended. Anyway, yet another reason to upgrade to Windows 7.

Posted via web from jeffthomas posterous

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Google Releases Goofy Video Creation Tool

There doesn't seem to be a purpose to this but I must admit it was sort of fun!

Posted via web from jeffthomas posterous

Terry Bradshaw spells it out for Ben Roethlisberger

Pretty good advice--too bad it won't be heard!

Posted via web from jeffthomas posterous

Top 10 YouTube Videos About Facebook #edtech

ReadWriteWeb is continuing with their Top 10 YouTube videos about ... series and this one is on Facebook. Particularly interesting are the 60 minutes interviews from awhile back!

Posted via web from jeffthomas posterous

Monday, April 12, 2010

A New Google Docs #edchat

Looks like the integration of Google Wave and Etherpad is taking place quickly at Google. Hopefully, the collaboration function in Google Docs will work much better than it did in Google Wave. Looking forward to giving it a try!

Posted via web from jeffthomas posterous

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Typing is key to learning computer software #edchat #edtech

I remember I had to take typing and wondering, just like all students do, when am I ever going to use this. My typing courses (2 years worth) were required for my business education degree. I knew it wasn't going to help with my math degree and 2 years seemed like an awful lot of typing! Then, lo and behold, the PC was invented and I've never looked back. It pains me to see how some people interact with the keyboard. I wouldn't want to work on a computer either if it took me 2 seconds to find each key! Alas, typing is a lost art for a lot of people. It used to be 90 wpm was considered pretty decent. Now, it's down to about 45 wpm. I guess I'm glad I've got some "old school" left in me!

Posted via web from jeffthomas posterous

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Social Software in Higher Education

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Personal Learning Networks

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Digital Storytelling with Animoto: My Teachmeet Presentation #edtech

A good example of proper use of technology: a virtual presentation about a Web 2.0 tool along with a site with links and examples.

Posted via web from jeffthomas posterous

Is permission needed to retweet hot news? #edtech

I've always wondered about this issue as it relates to personal social media outlets, especially Posterous. When you post something to Posterous, the attribution is very small at the end of the excerpt. One thing I like about Amplify is that it is clear that you are commenting on excerpts and attribution is very clear. Finally, it seems that the issue now is self-regulated. I think this issue will become more prominent as time goes on.

Posted via web from jeffthomas posterous

Sunday, April 4, 2010